Saturday, May 20, 2006

Alone But Not Lonely

In today's fast paced society, we have become accustomed to filling the eeriness of silence with fluff. We turn to many distractions as a means of escaping feelings of idleness or boredom. However, the main thing we wish to elude is loneliness. Solitude does not have to alienating or lonesome. In fact, solitude and loneliness are distinctly separate.
The death of a loved one or the inability to find people who understand you can leave you feeling isolated. Webster's dictionary plainly describes loneliness as "being without companions. It's natural to experience emptiness while longing for love or acceptance. Loneliness is therefore an emotive state that can be experienced whether or not one is physically alone.
Geoffrey F. Fisher said, “In cities no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely we tend to fill loneliness with all types of distractions. For example, some single women would rather spend a Friday night with a man they have no genuine interest in, than spend the night alone. They long for a way of killing time while they await the man they are actually seeking. Then there are young adults who are involved in cliques where they cannot really relate to their companions. However, they would rather feel accepted on a superficial level than risk feeling outcast. So, what is it about being alone that scares us?
Do not be spooked by the unfamiliarity of silence. Silence can be an amazing thing. It teaches you how to truly listen. It teaches you to pay attention to what is going on inside of you. Only when we are alone, can we have the space and peace we need to think without being outwardly influenced. It therefore becomes easier to make important decisions as well as identify whatever feelings are culminating within.
Get in touch with yourself so that you can make conscious decisions rather than simply react to emotions. Appreciate the time you have to yourself. Let the peace and understanding you find had better equip you for the commotion of today's world.

Denni Gill is an up-and-coming Canadian poet.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Well, doesn't that depend on what is causing you to be unhappy, in the first place?
If you've just lost a loved one, no amount of money will make you happy, only time and your own attitude will eventually lessen the pain and hopefully bring some joy back into yourlife.
However, if a stack of unpaid bills is facing you each day, wouldn't enough money to pay them, not make you happy? If you are someone you love, needs expensive medical care and you can't afford it, would money not be the happy answer?
So, before we adopt some of these truisms about money, we should see how they apply to the reality of the situation. Money is not a "magic bullet", but then in life, what is?But the effectiveness of money, like most of the things we use and have come to rely on in our world, it is all relative.
Being without money does not automatically make someone unhappy, but neither does having money guarantee happiness. Rich people are happy because they don't have to be worried and unhappy about not being able to pay bills, make purchases they want, travel, entertain and so on.
But if they became ill and money could not help, they would be just as unhappy and miserable as the poor person who cannot afford the treatment in the first place.
Money cannot buy anyone more time, but it can give you more freedom to choose how you use your time.
A very happy by-product, choice!
"Freedom of choice", if there was ever a magical phrase, that one is it! Money buys that happiness!
Lack of money or too little money, limits the choices we can make in and about our lives.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What is Meditation?

Negative forces like jealousy, hatred, fear, doubt, worry, despair, guilt, resentment, anger, pride hatred and anxiety surround us. These are the dominating forces of the universe. These negative forces day in and day out constantly attack us. The only medicine to fight this deadly disease is Meditation. Through Meditation, we can get everlasting peace that is what we know the "Divine Peace". To grow in light and to fulfill ourselves in light and purity we need to practice meditation regularly.
What is actual Meditation?
Meditation does not mean just sitting quietly for 15 to 20 minutes. It requires concentration. You have to calm and quieter your mind. It requires conscious effort. You have to free yourself from repetitive and unwanted thoughts that distract your attention. As you learn to calm your mind, you feel a new creation is dawning inside of you. When your mind is vacant and tranquil your whole existence becomes an empty vessel. You will attract infinite peace, joy peace happiness. This is actual meditation.

How many ways are there to Meditate?
1. Silence your mind. Once you do that, you are in a position to please and Fulfill God.
2. The Second way to meditate is to empty your heart. Human heart is full of chaos and turmoil. As you empty your heart, there is a Divine peace and harmony, which will fill your heart.
3. The third thing is through prayer. Prayer is nothing but a communion between Spirit and Form. If you pray from your heart all your fears, doubts, sorrow, resentment and anxiety will be eliminated and joy, peace and tranquility will fill your heart.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Positive Self-Talk

One of the most powerful influences on your attitude and personality is what you say to yourself. It is not what happens to you, but how you respond internally to what happens to you, that determines your thoughts, feelings, and your actions. By controlling your inner dialogue, or your "self talk," you can begin to assert control over every part of your life.
Your self-talk determines the majority of your emotional life. The words that you use to describe what is happening to you, and how you feel about external events, will trigger the emotions of happiness or unhappiness that you experience. When you see things positively and you look for the good in every situation and in each person, you will become a very positive and optimistic person. Since the quality of your life is determined by how you feel moment to moment, you should make it a habit to only think and talk about what you want and keep your mind off what you do not want.
Remember that it is impossible to learn, grow and become successful without adversity and difficulties. You must rise above them in order to become a better person. So, welcome each difficulty as a learning experience and look into the situation to find something good or beneficial in it.
Always, keep your thoughts on your future and on your goals. Constantly think about the person you want to become. When things go wrong temporarily, respond by saying to you, "I believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life." Resolve to be cheerful and pleasant in every situation. Resist every temptation to respond to a situation negatively. View disappointment as an opportunity to grow stronger, and talk to yourself and others about it in a positive and optimistic way.
When you practice positive self-talk, and keep your words and your mental pictures consistent with your goals, nothing can stop you from being the success you are meant to be.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Changes Happens or Made

Choke? This is the time when you feel overwhelmed, confused, and fearful and often do nothing. Spending too much time in this phase can seriously undermine your energy, usurp your resources and make it more difficult to deal with the change. Handle the Hurdles? You "wake up" and realize you have to do SOMETHING, sometimes anything. Occasionally people in this phase can see the priorities and begin to handle them- more often they avoid the most important issues in an effort to just do something.
Access Support? This is the turning point. You realize that you cannot do it on your own. You need a trusted ear. You require someone who can see through the confusion of the change and help you build a viable plan of action. Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve a problem on the same level at which it was created. In order to find that other level you need someone who can look at the whole picture, someone who isn't clouded by the emotional responses, someone who has your best interests in mind.
New Possibilities? Embedded in each change is a possibility. If you continue an old pattern of behavior or thinking? You will miss it. Unfortunately, we are often myopic when it comes to recognizing creative solutions. This step requires someone to help you see and hold the larger possibility, the picture that you may be missing.
Grow to the Next Level? Many people skip over this part. If you do - the whole gift that is at the center of the change will elude you. In order to "do the change", make it work FOR you, it is essential that you develop the qualities, the skills, and the heart to effectively work with the change. As you do this you begin to recognize whole new levels of satisfaction and power within yourself. These developments are yours- you will use them in everything else you attempt in life. They become second nature.
Enjoy? This is the fabulous stage when you can step back and look at the whole experience you have been through. You recognize yourself as the prime navigator of the change. You can feel the sun of success, the warm breezes of pleasure as you begin to really ENJOY where you have arrived. In addition, you KNOW that if needed you can navigate CHANGE again.
If you are going through a divorce, or if success has been yours and you still find yourself unsatisfied, or if there is a new change that has occurred or is on the horizon? Give yourself the gift of the effective support and mentoring that will move you through it to the warm, safe harbor you desire..

Monday, May 15, 2006

Positive Mental Attitude

1. Smile
2. Laugh
3. Greet people courteously
4. Be enthusiastic
5. Dream. Engage in 'Imagineering'. Set a goal. Aim high.
6. Act. Work your plan. Don't be an 'Excusiologists'.
7. Be single minded in your purpose.
8. Love your work.
9. Be focused at all times. Be dedicated, disciplined and regular in your work.
10. Show commitment.
11. Strive for excellence. Set your own benchmark.
12.'Sharpen the saw, 'Polish the brass' everyday.
13. Be humble and open- minded. Always wear your 'white belt'.
14. Be open to change. Don't be afraid of taking risks.
15. Don't be judgmental. Forgive and forget.
16. Develop a loving attitude to all around you.
17. Accept adversity and disappointments. Overcome them and emerge stronger.
18. Cultivate a working philosophy of life: Turn every experience, 'good' or 'bad', into a 'learning' experience.
19. Be your own critic. Strive for improvement. Be a life-long ardent student of life.
20. Live each day as though it were your last.
21. Lead. The five key *facets of leadership are..... Focus, Authenticity, Courage, Empathy, Timing.
22. Remember, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Always, keep your face to the sun,and shadows will fall behind you.
*(Taken from one of the motivational Leadership article)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Be Positive

This may sound quite aberrant to most of the younger generations who are not really exposed to the personality development articles, books or motivational lectures.
Being positive does not indicate that we aren't able to handle a situation, which is of abstruse nature. Being positive means, seeing the opportunity, and seeing the best option that is available in any situation.
Generally people criticize themselves, time and other previous situations whenever, they are caught up in a problem, jinx etc.
People are bound to make mistakes; and they should, in fact to make your brains work. Yes, when you commit mistakes or things go wrong, as they may sometimes, you do not have to feel inferior, rather be strong and fight back, make yourself capable to handle such situations. Above all learn; the more you learn, the more you achieve. As it is very precisely said:
Arise, awake and stop not till you goal is achieved.
Here, goal may be anything; it might be effective handling or learning.
When i say LEARN; i mean:
L -LeadE -EffectiveA - AlertR - Realistic, ready, reasonableN - Natty (smart)
Remember, being effective, alert, realistic and natty not only helps and enables you to act pragmatically, but it also helps you in learning.
So, fear not my dear, rather strike hard and effectively. May this article bring lots of positive personality changes in you transforming your sole into a blend of intellect, boldness and bring out the natty features of yours whenever a hard task arises.
Last but not the least: "Believe in you".