Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happiness To be

Happiness is a state of mind, so your state of mind at this moment makes all the difference.
You need to ask yourself, is it what you want, the thing that is going to make you happy?
If the answer is yes, does this mean that what you have must not be good enough?
We go through life searching, searching for a better job, better house, better car, better relationship, sometimes for many people this is a full time "occupation, always searching!
It seems to be a vicious circle for many of us, because the last job was the better one, now it is not, somehow it's lost its appeal, just as when you bought your car, it was going to make you happy but that was only for a short time, you soon became unhappy once you saw another newer model, so the car that was your dream car is no longer a dream.
Where does it end?
Well the answer is simple; it ends exactly where it starts, in your Mind.

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