1) READ: - Read as much as possible about anxiety and understand what are some of the causes. (Email me for link to books).
2) PROFESSIONAL HELP: - Go to a counselor or therapist to find the underlying cause of the anxiety. The physical discomforts are trying to get your attention - Pay attention to a greater dis-ease within. Pray God to send you to the right person. He will.
3) RELAXATION: - Listen to a tape or CD for RELAXATION This was one of the things that helped me tremendously. I needed to reprogram my mind with positive and true statements that were life giving and empowering. Click below for CD's and cassette tapes to help you overcome anxiety and panic attacks. Breathing correctly is a part of relaxation.
4) EXERCISE: - Physical exercise has tremendous value. It releases chemicals that generate good feelings, called pheromones. It's good to feel good!
5) HEALING IN GOD'S WORD: - Meditate on scriptures that enhance your trust in God. One scripture that helps me when I really let it sink in is: Matthew 5:25-34. Am I not more than a bird to God? You better believe it and so are you! Birds don't work or store up food yet God takes care of them. Wow! The next time you see a bird think about that!
6) MAP YOUR JOURNEY: - Create a time line by drawing on a sheet of paper when your first signs of discomfort started. Write down what major events happened at that same time. Note the year/date. Go back as far as you can. This process helps you to take a bird's eye view of your life. When I did this exercise, I found that the first time I experienced a full panic attack was in 1984 and I had just made a major move from someone very dear to me. I also discovered that their agoraphobia before any panic attack ever appeared. Do this it will help you understand what has been going on and what triggers extreme anxiety. (You may need to use than one piece of paper).
7) God’s Power to Heal: - Remember, God still heals. We must let go of all the passed disappointments, and betrayals. God is not like any human being with whom we have had a relationship. God faithful and just. Jesus walked this earth so you can talk to Him about yours trials. Pray as the early disciples did, "Lord, increase my faith". FAITH is the opposite of anxiety. Faith not only pleases God but keeps us trusting in God's fatherly care. I am a witness!! Praise God!
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