1. Constant affirmation without accountability is a sure-fire way to cripple a child. In other words, belief in you without responsibility leads to a sense of entitlement.
2. Raise your hand if you've ever been rejected for anything, anytime, anywhere. We all have. How would you like to have a nice little four-letter word for the next time you're rejected? It's: NEXT. Next sale, next job, next date, next whatever.
3. Beware of people who use their own emotional pain as a tool to manipulate others instead of as a motivation to change themselves.
4. It's a humbling and sobering experience to have a child who wants to be like you.
5. A successful marriage requires selective and strategic ignoring. The right things to ignore are little habits and irritating peculiarities that we all have. The problem comes when you select the wrong things to ignore.
6. I wonder if it's a bad thing to believe that football on TV is one of the first signs of fall approaching.
7. Most folks live with the illusion that worrying about something can actually make a difference. The only possible way that worrying can make a difference is if the worrying motivates you to take action to do something about the subject of your worry.
8.People often say, "Well, I'm just going with the flow." The problem with going with the flow is that many times the flow is lost and does not know where it is going.
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