Monday, May 22, 2006

Keep Hope Alive - Emily Dickinson

"Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.." ~ Emily Dickinson
A bittersweet quality permeates the air in September. In the northern hemisphere, we say our reluctant goodbyes to summer. When September rolls around there is something in our early programming that kicks in. We gear up for all of the activities associated with fall. Kids return to school and we all begin to pick up the pace.
We never really do finish school while we are alive on this planet. We continue to learn life lessons and hopefully grow through all of our experiences. Much of our earlier training at home and school prepares us to face life as warriors or worriers. The good news is that we can learn to become more resilient if we are willing to do our "hope" work. That's right. That wasn't a typo. I meant, "hope" work. Too many of us have been basing our lives for far too long, on what is reasonable and evident rather than on faith and belief.

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